our ministries
It is motivated by the reconciling work of God and seeks to extend His grace and mercy to others for His glory and not our own. It is an expression of love and stewardship of grace marked by humility, generosity, and hospitality and empowered by a passion for the glory of God.
John 13:1-20, 1 Peter 4:8-11, 2 Corinthians 8:1-9:15
Through the years, Eagles Wings Ministry has worked in collaboration with many organizations in their effort to create a village for the community that will promote the feeling of a sanctuary.
Want to get involved? Contact info@eagleswingsministries.org
Hope & Cope a Senior and Neurodivergent Ministry
We provide support for seniors and individuals that are not Neurotypical by providing models, socialization, recreation,,entertainment, and personal enrichment. Our purpose is to prevent isolation through encouraging fellowship among peers and the community

Eagles Wings Training Program
Eagles Wings Training Program strives to provide an accepting environment where individuals with special needs can learn about Christ.
One Growth Volunteer Initiative
We inspire leadership, and nurture compassion by guiding people to actively participate in Service Projects. We create space to allow participants to see how their impact can directly shift and uplight our community.